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In The Spotlight with Bring Digital : Steering the Future of eCommerce

At Manchester Digital, 我们喜欢采访我们的会员,以了解更多全球最大的博彩平台他们在大全球最大的博彩平台数字和技术领域所做的工作. This week we're speaking with Head of Marketing, Jonny Taylor from Bring Digital.

First of all, for those who don't know, can you briefly explain Bring Digital?

Bring Digital is a multi-award-winning digital agency specialising in SEO, Paid Media and Affiliate marketing for leading eCommerce brands. 

Founded in 2012, Bring Digital has proliferated into one of the country's most prestigious agency brands. 我们最近在2023年英国机构奖上获得了“年度大型数字机构”和“年度SEO机构”, and we've just been shortlisted in six more categories at the Northern Digital Awards 2024.

In the summer, Bring Digital became part of the Dark Matter Commerce group, a collective of agencies focused on transforming eCommerce in the UK and beyond.

You've had impressive growth and an acquisition. What's your vision for the future as you continue to scale?

Right now, 我们是全球最大的博彩平台领先的数字代理商之一,但我们想要的远不止于此. Our mission is to become the UK's number one consideration for eCommerce brands. 当在线零售商遇到只有专家才能解决的复杂问题时,我们希望成为他们求助的代理机构. 

The road to achieving that vision is a challenging one. Thankfully, we've got an award-winning team with the skills to achieve it. 

And it's a team that's growing, too. We recently hired 13 more digital experts to achieve two things: firstly, to cater for our rapidly growing client base, and secondly, to help us grow our new business development and strategy functions. We're primed to evolve Bring Digital into a bigger, better agency than ever before.

As an innovator in leveraging AI for eCommerce, 您了解到哪些最佳实践可以帮助其他希望采用这些技术的机构?

Like many agencies, we're leveraging generative AI to streamline our work. 但正确使用人工智能不仅能节省时间:它还能让你花时间去做那些值得关注的重要工作. That's our goal.

One of our key uses of AI is automating basic data analysis. 简化数据收集和执行耗时的数据任务(如合并数据集)使我们有更多的时间为客户交付结果,而不是迷失在基本的报告任务中. 

For eCommerce brands, AI-led insights are a game-changer. eCommerce is a sector where scale and speed are always the top priorities, but the trade-off is a lack of control. 大型或混合数据集中的许多矛盾和模糊极大地减缓了时间已经很宝贵的团队的进程. With our custom AI integrations, we help our clients get straight to what matters: making the right decisions.

Ultimately, 人工智能的扩散正将对话从数量问题转向质量问题. 作为一个机构,我们的工作是告诉我们的客户什么活动对他们最有价值,而不是什么活动可以以最令人印象深刻的规模或速度完成. 

For brands looking to improve integrations and adopt GA4, what advice would you offer around avoiding pitfalls?

We've advised all of our clients in their transition to GA4. In that time, we've seen plenty of issues crop up, which we've thankfully been able to resolve and learn from.

One of the most common issues we see is teams using automatic migration. It sounds good in theory, but GA4 is a different animal to Universal Analytics. It uses a different data model. 自动迁移意味着您无法充分利用GA4,因为它的最新特性需要优化的数据架构. 在更手动的迁移中投入时间可以让您更好地理解两个平台之间的差异. Crucially, 它将让您看到GA4的不同采样阈值对您的报告的影响,以便您可以相应地调整您的见解.

Another common pitfall is failing to define a data retention period. By default, GA4 keeps data for two months, but you can extend it to 14 months. 此规则适用于探索中的自定义报表,而标准报表将永远保存数据. If you don't change this setting when setting up GA4, your data will be deleted automatically after the retention period. 您将无法运行年复一年的自定义报告,并且您将丢失有价值的历史数据.

Switching to GA4 has been a seismic change for many eCommerce clients. We've navigated that best by looking beyond the scope of Google Analytics itself; we offer audits of all types across our clients' entire profile or third- and first-party data sources to ensure the funnel is watertight. 

Right now, GA4并未得到充分利用,因为许多人都在努力适应新的用户体验. 我们的团队投入了大量的时间和学习,使导航成为第二天性,这样我们就可以回答客户可能提出的任何问题.


AI-assisted personalisation is going to change the game in eCommerce. Users are increasingly expecting tailored experiences; mass marketing is giving way to the rise of micro experiences. In that world, 对于拥有小型营销团队的小型颠覆者和寻求保持领先地位的行业巨头来说,拥抱人工智能变得至关重要.

Google's evolving product mix is another opportunity we're excited about in 2024. Over the last year, 我们的PPC团队已经通过测试新的广告活动类型来改进我们自己的“最佳实践”方法,以适应日益自动化的投标环境. 我们已经学会了如何平衡控制与可扩展性,从而在新的一年里重新关注将账户结构与第一方用户数据相结合. 我们还致力于改进服务器集成解决方案,以增强业务数据来支持我们的2024.

社交购买的日益流行意味着这些定制的体验开始于线下. From a tracking perspective, it becomes tough to measure ROI at scale without the help of AI. 我们正在帮助引领这些整合,将品牌带入一个比以往任何时候都更不受渠道影响的未来.


我们贡献思想领导力的最佳机会之一,是投入更多时间,参与有关电商品牌所面临的日益复杂的市场的全行业讨论. 这就是为什么我们计划在未来12个月内与全球最大的博彩平台及其他地区更广泛的商界加强合作.

We have a healthy pipeline now of upcoming events that we're attending or speaking at, and in the near future, we plan on running a few of our own. We also have partners who can help us bring our original data and insights to market, 包括深入研究,这些研究可能会改变我们对新兴电子商务趋势的理解.

We want to be involved in the conversations driving our industry forward; we have the people and know-how to be that change. All it takes is asking the right questions!

Thank you Jonny!

To find out more about Bring Digital click here.

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