
根据 Semrush, 45%的营销人员 report that they struggle to create content that captivates their target audience.

Although the process can be challenging (and time-consuming), 内容创造其实是非常有趣的, 尤其是如果你是一个有创造力的人! Keep reading to learn how you can develop a love for creating content that truly speaks to your audience…


根据Hubspot的说法, content creation is the process of producing ideas that are appealing to your audience and relevant to your niche. These ideas are then developed into written or visual material, making the information available in formats such as social media posts, 博客或视频.


A strong content strategy can help you to establish your marketing goals. 你不仅会觉得自己更有条理, but you will also begin to learn what your audience really enjoys. 


We’ve put together our top tips on how to create a strong content strategy so you never have to feel lost about the next steps! 


‍研究 & 计划

Brainstorm your content ideas at the start of every month. 看看Instagram、Pinterest和Twitter & 领英寻找灵感. 你还应该记下任何即将发生的事件, 与你的内容相关的节假日或国庆节. 例如, 如果你的品牌是环保的, you should think about creating an exciting post on World Earth Day or World Ocean Day.

选择可读字体 & 赏心悦目的色彩

A good aesthetic can take your content from zero to ten! Choose eye-pleasing fonts and colours that reflect the tone and personality of your content, 品牌或博客. If you’re new to content creation, we recommend working on a user-friendly platform such as Canva. If you’re looking to develop your graphic design skills, try opting for a more advanced software such as Adobe Photoshop.


根据 brandgility, consistent branding increases revenue by an average of 23%. 品牌战略, Taughnee Stone says that “In order for people to trust you, 他们必须觉得你很了解你. In order for people to remember you, you must show up in a way that’s consistent”. 你的品牌几乎就像一个人的个性. 还有商标, 颜色和字体, your content should also maintain an appropriate tone of voice which represents your core values and principles.

提供价值:提供信息、娱乐 & 激励

By creating content that only promotes products or services, users may not feel as though they are gaining anything valuable. Instead, try to focus on creating content that informs, entertains or inspires.


Informative content doesn’t mean having to talk about the ins and outs of your 产品或服务, but actually demonstrating your expertise within a particular niche. 例如, 如果你开了一家咖啡馆, you may want to create a reel showing how to make your most popular meal. 


In today’s age, social media users LOVE to be entertained. Stay on top of trends by regularly checking Instagram reels, TikToks and any relevant hashtags. Consider trending audios, challenges and special events that are relevant to your niche. 


Inspirational content should elicit an emotional response from your audience and inspire them in some way. The source of inspiration could be as simple as a motivational tip or life hack that relates to your niche, 产品或服务.


高质量的图像不仅更引人注目, 但他们也最有可能被人喜欢, 由社交媒体用户分享和评论. 除了数字, high-quality images will also add a much more professional touch to your grid. 如果你是在推销一种服务而不是产品, 你可以从Unsplash或Canva外包免费图片.


Keep your audience interested by diversifying your social media content. Switch between topics that relate to your niche and try not to use the same images too many times. 您还应该包含各种静态帖子, 旋转木马, 视频,如卷轴, 当然, 每天的故事.

使用相关的,具体的 & 热门标签

永远不要低估标签的力量! These will ensure that your content appears in the right place and for the right audience. Check out the Digital Media Team Hashtag Guide for our top tips.


坚持是关键! The more you post, the more the algorithm will learn about your account. Maintain consistency across all aspects, including designs, fonts, tone of voice and posting times. If your audience is loyal and genuinely enjoying your content, they may (and probably will) expect regular posts on your account.

准备 & 安排你的帖子

Scheduling your posts in advance means you have more time to focus on other aspects of your business throughout the month. We recommend using a platform such as Buffer, 计划oly or Later.


洞察力可以让你更多地了解你的受众. 这包括性别、年龄范围和地点. 分析见解时, you should check which posts and stories your audience has interacted with the most. This can be useful when trying to determine which kind of content is most effective for your 品牌或博客.

